Gaining Weight From Sitting Too Much Is A Myth. Find Out Why Excessive Sitting Isn’t The Cause.

Gaining Weight From Sitting

Previously, numerous researchers and medical professionals assumed that people who sit for the greater part of the day gain weight and become obese. Literature associated the sitting disorder with health consequences clarified that even obesity was caused by sitting for long periods.

However, modern research disagrees with such a point of view, as a scientific team discovered that sitting does not cause as much weight gain as it was previously believed.

New Research Study Findings

Medical News Today states a new study by the University of Otago, New Zealand, found that sitting for long periods doesn’t necessarily lead to weight gain. Even after years, prolonged sitting did not significantly increase body weight or waist size.

The study leader clarified that while previous beliefs linking obesity risk to a sedentary lifestyle may not be entirely accurate, it’s crucial to recognize that even though this study challenges the impact on body weight, sitting excessively still poses numerous health hazards due to insufficient physical activity.

What Risk Factors Have Been Associated With A Sedentary Lifestyle

It’s key to highlight that while a sedentary lifestyle may not directly trigger obesity, as shown in this new study, it does play a part in various health issues.

Mayo Clinic study reaffirms the fact that general sitting for long hours is associated with early deaths and a 125 percent rise in some chronic diseases which distort the quality of life.

Some health conditions associated with the disease include heart failure, heart attack, angina, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. Also, the analysis shows that inactivity increases the likelihood of developing major diseases that cause early death.


At first, it was thought that ergonomics contributed to the health risks of sedentary lifestyles because of the increased tendency towards obesity.

But, quite surprisingly a recent study showed that the chances of obesity are not much higher in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The study pointed out the health risks of not exercising, stressing how crucial physical activity is.