Men lead pretty busy lives, juggling work, social activities, and finding some me-time. With such a packed schedule, it’s tough to fit in core muscle workouts. Fortunately, there’s good news about strengthening the body’s core. The best part is, that it doesn’t have to take hours to strengthen your core. Just set aside 10 to 15 minutes a day, three times a week, and you’ll build a strong core in no time.
Having a strong core is key to keeping your balance, walking with good posture, and trimming excess fat or weight around your midsection. Here are three exercises to help you build a solid core in just a few minutes.
The Circle Plank Exercise
Doing a plank might seem easy during your workout, but it’s great for building a strong core. To plank, just place your hands on the floor, set your feet shoulder-width apart, and push yourself up like you’re doing a push-up.
For the circle plank, start in the plank position, bring one knee towards your chest, and make circles with it in a counterclockwise motion. Then, switch directions. To strengthen your core, repeat this move 5 times in each direction, then switch legs.
The Sliding Pike Exercise
The sliding pike exercise is great for strengthening and stretching your core muscles. It’s best to do this on a smooth floor. Start in a plank position with a towel under your feet. Keep your legs as straight as possible, and slide them up towards your chest. Hold the pike position for a count of 5, then slide back to the starting position. Do this exercise 10 times for the best core-strengthening results.
The Oblique Reach Exercise
The oblique reach helps build and strengthen your side oblique muscles. These muscles keep your body upright and stable.
Start this exercise in a seated position. Extend one arm and the same side leg, forming a C-shape with your body. While sitting up, twist a bit away from the extended arm and leg. Hold for a count of 5, then return to the start. Do this move 5 times on each side for the best core strength boost.